Archaeology: Sefer Melachim I - Nachliel Selavan
This video is part of the Sefer Study series.
This is an analysis of the Archaeology of the Sefer by Nachliel Selavan.
Archaeology Snapshot is a discussion on the location, timeline, main characters and highlights from history and archaeology, for each Sefer in Tanach.
Sefer Melachim I is about the transition of power from King David to his house, and the establishment of the Davidic dynasty and a unified monarchy. This unity did not last for long, the kingdom split into a northern kingdom of Israel, and a southern, smaller, kingdom of Judah. The notion Yehuda ve-Yisrael, until today, tells us that this fundamental issue hasn’t been resolved yet. The 12 Tribes have not all been reunited.
This episode covers a few key discussions in archaeology: The Kingdom and Temple of Solomon - his international relationships, his usage of resources, and materials, in running the country and building the Temple.
The split into two kingdoms, and some of the features of each kingdom.
Shoshenq’s campaign, assuming it may be the Pharaoh Shishak, is a lynchpin in Archaeology. This campaign, which took place in year 5 of Rehobam, or roughly 925 BCE, helps in the discussion of the historic chronology of Tanach. Check out the relevant articles below.
Finally, the dealings of Eliyahu haNavi with the Northern Kingdom of Israel, and its internationally involved king Ahab and his Pheonician wife, Izebel, and more transitions of power: Hazael will be king of Aram Damascus, Yehu will wipe out the House of Omri, and Elisha will replace Eliyahu. Stay tuned for next episode!
Links to images, articles, and relevant information from the show:
The Lions of Queen of Sheba, according to Shlomo Mussayef
Interview with Prof. Yossi Garfinkel about Tel Lachish - Please like, comment and SUBSCRIBE to my channel. Thank you!
Temple of Karnak
Shoshenk I
BAR articles
Did Pharaoh Sheshonq Attack Jerusalem?
The Doorways of Solomon’s Temple
Kurkh Monolith of King Shalmanessesr III with mention of Ahab
Battle of Qarqar (Kurkh)
Jezreel Winery:
Nachliel Selavan, MA Ed., originally from Jerusalem’s Old City, is back in Israel after seven years of teaching full-time in the United States, developing his unique and engaging method of learning Torah through tour, travel and archaeology.
Nachliel created and delivered an integrated learning and museum tour program for both school and adult educational settings at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and has hosted similar pilot visits to a dozen museums in North America, and a few museums in Europe and in Jerusalem. He also teaches and engages audiences through virtual tours and social media, and has recently completed Tanach Study Plus - delivering a weekly episode of Archaeology on the Parasha.
You can find him on and on social media @MuseumToursIL and email him at